29 June 2023
SUNDAY- Please come along for Film, Music and Food
We are proud to be partnering with Crunchtime- a youth founded organisation committed to sharing skills and making connections to empower young people. https://crunchtimeaus.org/
As they tour the South Coast they will be teaming up with Dalmeny Matters and similar community groups from Tuross to Manyana to Culburra Beach to highlight the fact that inappropriate, destructive development is threatening communities across coastal NSW.

17 March 2023
Write to State Election candidates this weekend!
Do you have a moment to add your voice? Locals up and down the Coast are calling on State Election candidates to Save Our Coast!
We are asking for appropriate development that avoids threatened species habitat and makes better use of land within our existing towns.
24 November 2022
Spotlighting Night Dec 11
Want to come along and meet some of your nocturnal neighbours? Ecologist Craig Dunne will help us look for threatened Yellow-bellied Gliders, owls and other nocturnal cuties on Sunday Dec 11, starting at 8: 15 pm
It is rare to get a chance to see these special creatures. We know Yellow-bellied Gliders are present from feed marks and recent official observations by National Parks, but what else will we discover?

2 October 2022
GIPA Release- What Have We Found Out?
After many months of work (thank you to our member who took this on!), Council has released some of the documents and records we requested- and we have already found many items of serious concern.

27 May 2022
We are drafting a list of actions we will push Councillors to take to protect our bush, our lake and our community. These actions are reasonable, based on examples from other local Councils, and within Councillor's powers.

28 January 2022
Congratulations to our first raffle winner!
Congratulations to Jann Shepherd, the winner of the beautiful Glossy Black Cockatoo mosaic created by artist and Dalmeny Matters stalwart Judy Gordon. Thank you to everyone who bought tickets- the raffle has raised $315, deposited into the Dalmeny Matters trust account. A wonderful first step in our ongoing fundraising efforts.

12 October 2021
Mayor announces Dalmeny land SOLD
Dalmeny land sold to Sydney developer
The buyer is a Sydney based development company Heppa Constructions, company director Andrew Scarano
The company was formed in 2019

9 September 2021
Affordable housing developments are best practice where they are within walking distance of land within Zone B2 Local Centre.

29 August 2021
Thank you to everyone who has helped out, signed a petition, delivered flyers, passed on the message, written to politicians, done fantastic research or offered moral support- we really appreciate it!