About us
Who is Dalmeny Matters?
Dalmeny Matters is a grassroots organisation humbly founded by 6 strangers who came together around a dining room table with a common concern to protect Dalmeny’s precious bushland.
Residents of Dalmeny found out about the proposed sale of public land for development
and sprung together to provide the Eurobodalla Shire Council a multitude of submissions as to why this sale shouldn’t go ahead. Ultimately after a deferral and a further 219 pages of submissions from the public opposing the sale, the Councillors voted to sell the land 6 persons to 3.
As our fight continues to protect the land more and more people are coming on board sharing their skills to help us save this bushland. Dalmeny Matters now has over 400 members in our Facebook group and we would love to have you on board!
Why are DM opposed to the development?
Just a few of the reasons why we are opposed to the development are noted below:
The land is unsuitable; steep and undulating, with water courses throughout, in a bush fire prone area.
Threatened species call this bushland home such as Glossy Black Cockatoos, Yellow-bellied Gliders and Gang-gang Cockatoos. Loss of habitat is these species greatest threat.
Council has confirmed that the area will NOT include affordable or social housing
This bushland includes remnant old growth forest and temperate rainforest. Old growth forests capture carbon and help maintain local weather systems.
The area is part of the catchment zone for Mummaga Lake. Urban runoff is one of the biggest threats to estuaries, as it carries pollution, excess nutrients and sediment into the sensitive ecosystem.
What are we trying to achieve?
Dalmeny Matters aims to protect our bush, Mummaga Lake ecosystem and the values of our village community.
Our ultimate goal is that Council leave the bushland as nature intended, for wildlife to call home and for the enjoyment of the community.
Since the bushfires, locals have seen an increase in wildlife due to habitat loss nearby, making it even more important to keep this land intact.
As it stands, the bushland acts as a solace to local residents for bush walking, bird watching, bike riding and exploring and we would like to keep it that way.
We would love the Eurobodalla Shire Council to work with us in this matter. Showcasing their ability to listen to the community to create a green space that is welcoming to all.
We will continue our work to hold the Council and developers accountable and ensure all legislative processes are followed and complied with to get the best outcome for nature and our community.