Promising Research

The Dalmeny Matters Working Group will be preparing a research paper identifying all the State Government legislation and Council policy papers that the Council has to comply with when approving any development on this scale. Excerpts from all these documents will be put together in a paper so we have all the relevant information to hand in one place.

The Council is looking to combine the three lots into one integrated development. Dalmeny Matters will endeavour to keep the Council honest - this will be a big task as the Council policy documents pay lip service to looking after the environment and do not offer real protection to habitat and ecosystems. We are going to do everything in our power to make sure Council decisions are carried out in compliance with legislation and its own policies. Anything that makes development of this land harder and more costly for the developer may help us to protect the bush. 


Justin Field MP Visits with the Sydney Morning Herald


Yellow Bellied Gliders & Glossy Black Cockatoos